Use "mudflat|mudflats" in a sentence

1. The river's broad mudflats were thought completely impassable.

2. Thus, for example mudflat hiking and horse and carriage rides are only permitted on designated routes.

3. In the seas there are many species of Annelids in the mudflats

4. Coasts have many different features, such as caves and cliffs, beaches and mudflats

5. What remained of Belfast's mudflats seemed certain to be diminished by unrestricted dumping.

6. Otherwise, a drop in the water level might leave boaters high and dry and give property owners mudflat views.

7. It's getting very lonely in the dusk and the river is fast disappearing, massive mudflats and a Lego landscape.

8. The other part of the and skincare products made with mud from the nearby mudflats.

9. After 1800 the railways increased this trade and docks were built out of the mudflats along the waterfront of the Humber itself.

10. Brachyuran crabs are an important ecological and economical, yet often unstudied aspect of intertidal mudflats of the Arabian Peninsula

11. Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.

12. However, mudflats worldwide are under threat from predicted sea level rises, land claims for development, dredging due to shipping purposes, and chemical pollution.

13. The Otter Estuary Nature Reserve is a 57-acre (230,000 m2) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) consisting of tidal mudflats and saltmarsh.

14. According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts, the mainland coastline consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches; 11% rocky shores, including cliffs; and 46% mudflats or marshy shores.

15. Ecoregion 63d is composed of beaches, dunes, low terraces, beach ridges, and barrier islands that are fringed by lagoons, bays, tidal salt marshes, mudflats, Anastomosing tidal

16. It lives in the phytal and on sand- and mudflats and occurs in large numbers in theCorophium belts in the waddenseas.T. melanocephalum feeds on arthropods, mainly on copepods and amphipods.

17. Clamming at Lawson's Landing can be done by traveling by boat to the mudflats in Tomales Bay whenever there is a tide that is 0.5 feet or lower

18. The sediments of the Mae Klong River together sediments from the sea form a system of mudflats, which are populated by razor clams (Solen regularis), which also gave the site its Thai name.

19. The Bungholes sprang open and a huge dull flood leaked out, flowing together, winding through mudflats all over the level land, a lazy pooling swirl of liquor bearing along wideleaved flowers of its froth

20. The approximately 180,000 birds of north-western Europe's shelduck population also spends their moulting season from July to September in the Wadden Sea, as do about 200,000 eider; and about 1,000 pairs of eiders use the mudflats of the North Sea as a breeding area.